Wind River Hospice House is in located at Whistle Bend Place long-term care home in Whitehorse. It provides end-of-life care to Yukoners in a home-like setting. Care is available 24-hours a day. Wind River Hospice House has 8 beds for stays of approximately 3 months or less, and 4 beds for short respite stays of 2-4 weeks.

What is the Wind River Hospice House Philosophy of Care? Wind River Hospice House provides a safe environment that places value on quality of life and comfort. Hospice care accepts death as an inevitable part of living. This approach respects a person's right to die with grace and dignity. It neither hastens nor prolongs a person’s dying process. The goal of medical care is to provide comfort and symptom relief. Friends and family are supported to continue to take part in the care of their loved one. They are encouraged to access support for themselves as well.

Who is Wind River Hospice House for? Wind River Hospice House provides care for:

  • adults with a clearly life-limiting illness in its advanced stages;
  • adults with a prognosis of 3 months or less; and
  • adults with a prognosis of less than 12 months who require a brief respite care stay.
  • adults with a prognosis of longer than 3 months will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Who can receive respite care? Respite care is for anyone with a palliative diagnosis and a prognosis of 12 months or less. The average length of stay is 2–4 weeks.

Respite care gives a person’s regular caregivers a break from providing that care. It is also a chance for a person to get to know the staff and the Hospice House. This can be helpful if the person is admitted to Wind River House later for end-of-life care.

Who can be admitted? You can access Wind River Hospice House if you:

  • are an adult (18 and over);
  • are lawfully entitled to be, or remain, in Canada; have a valid Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan card; are a Yukon resident;
  • have a do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order in place; and have a referral from a health-care professional.
  • People under 18 years of age will be considered on a case-by-case basis.What is the cost?

The cost to stay at Wind River Hospice House is $40 per day.