Young Adult Cancer Canada (YACC) was established in 2000 (originally as RealTime Cancer) by Geoff Eaton after his first cancer challenge. Geoff’s vision focused on educating and supporting young adults. At the core of that vision was the belief that cancer–like all of life’s challenges–brings with it valuable lessons and experiences. For the first three years of operation, which included a cancer relapse and additional treatment for Geoff, YACC focused on the school program and delivery of positive messages to young adults. During a meeting with a mentor on the morning of the 2003 golf tournament, Geoff began a process that would fundamentally change YACC’s vision and operations, while keeping the values and beliefs fully intact.

Today, YACC is focused on the promotion and evolution of its six primary programs: the online community, Retreat YourselfRetreat Yourself AdventureLocalife, the Big Cancer Hook-up, and the annual Survivor Conference. YACC is currently based in St. John’s, NL, with an office team of 8.