People often wish to spend as much time as possible at home, which may include remaining at home until death. If this is what you want, we will work with you, your family and your doctor to make the necessary arrangements to provide your end of life care at home. Learn more about Nancy Chan Ambulatory Palliative Care Clinic.

It is important to think about advance care planning - informing people of your health care wishes - as you move towards the end of your life. Helpful resources include the BC Ministry of Health Services End of Life website and BC Hospice Palliative Care Association website.

If you are currently receiving palliative care services, or if you are a caregiver/family member to someone receiving palliative care and require decision making, emotional and clinical support overnight, please click here.

For more information, see the "Overnight Telephone Support for Clients Receiving Palliative Care" brochure.
