Palliative Care is presently provided throughout the Interlake-Eastern health region in hospitals, personal care homes and in the home, by a variety of caregivers including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, home care workers, pastoral care, families, friends and volunteers. The goal is the best possible quality of life for clients and their families. For more information please visit the website listed above or contact one of the Nurse Specialists below.
Clinical Team Manager Regional Palliative Care Program, Wound Care Program, and Spiritual Health Office: 204-886-4300
Palliative Care Nurse Specialist – East Office: 204-268-7473
Palliative Care Nurse Specialist – Selkirk Office: 204-785-7536
Palliative Care Nurse Specialist – West Office: 204-886-4304
Palliative Care Psychosocial Specialist –West & Central Office: 204-886-4315
Palliative Care Psychosocial Specialist –East & Selkirk Office: 204-753-5251