Evergreen provides community based supportive services to individuals and their families in Markham, Stouffville and Thornhill, who are living with a life-threatening illness or living with the death of a loved one.

Evergreen is a non-profit, charitable organization which depends on donations and limited government funding in order to provide support at no charge to the client.

In April 2014, Evergreen Hospice of Markham Stouffville and Hospice Thornhill, organizations that have both served their communities for more than 25 years, joined to become one stronger agency serving all three communities: Markham, Stouffville and Thornhill. Operational integration was complete at the end of 2013 with the governance and legal changes approved as of March 31, 2014. The new organization is now called “Evergreen”.

Working together,

  • Evergreen now can use the combined potential of the two staff groups, two Boards of Directors and two very committed volunteer groups to address the ever expanding demands for service
  • Evergreen is better able to address the fundraising needs
  • Evergreen will be better able to represent the needs of clients at the government level

For more information regarding our charitable status and financial reporting to the Charities division of the Canada Revenue Agency please visit our listing on the CRA website here.